Horizontal chipping technologies


CI SERIES Main Features

Miller Mac chippers are fast rotor machines that can grind waste of lengths that can exceed six meters such as wood logs, paper stockpiles, etc., and reduce the material into larger or smaller pieces as needed.
Miller chippers are equipped with fully automatic loading belt or vibrating loading belt.

  • Machine body made of heavy-gauge Fe 510 (UNI 7746) steel, welded and with rigidity ensured by tensioning elements
  • Anti-stress device for shock absorption
  • Hardened and adjustable C45 steel counter-blades for improved cutting precision
  • “CE” standard

CI 250

CI 350

CI 500

CI 800

Model: CI 250 CI 350 CI 500 CI 650 CI 800 CI 800/1000
Rotor electrical power: Kw 15 22-30 45-55 75 90-132-160 250-315
Rotor diameter (Ø): Ø 250 300 390 560 800 1000
Rotor turns: RPM 2800 2300 750-1450 750-1450 450-900 400-700
Blades: No. – mm 2 2 2 2 2 2
Feeding mouth: mm 250×30 350×80 480×200 650×300 780×350 850×450
Length: mm 1300 1500 2400 2800 3800 3750
Width: mm 800 100 1020 1250 1460 1750
Height: mm 700 800 1100 1600 1600 2250
Feeding speed: mm 14 10 25-30 14 14 8,5-17,5
Weight: Kg 800 1100 1700 4200 9000 1000